Minnloco welcomes people from all paths of life

Society tends to put us in boxes. Sometimes, we don't fit in those boxes. Whatever your deviation from the norm, we're committed to making you feel comfortable and welcome at Minnesota Long Con. On this page we've attempted to address some things that might come in handy for you, but we also strongly encourage you to reach out so that we can work with you to accommodate your needs.

Financial need

Minnloco has a scholarship fund that generous participants donate to. Help is available. If you need a little help to make attending Minnloco possible, please contact us with what you need. We will do our best to grant your request, no questions asked. Travel expenses, lost wages, a bed, ticket price, whatever, we'd like to help you get here. (Want to donate to the Scholarship? Go here!)

Physical Need

At the risk of getting repetitive, whatever you need! Please open a dialogue with us about any accommodations you need. Below are some quick bullets that might answer some questions, as well as a few shots of the venue to give you a better idea about the space.

  • Unfortunately, the con houses are residential homes, and not designed to accommodate walkers or wheelchairs. If you need help subsidizing the cost of a more accessible hotel, please don't hesitate to ask.

  • The space is reasonably well-lit, but we will have flashlights on hand for targeted lighting as needed

  • Meal plans are vegan. If you have other food restrictions, please let us know.

  • If you have any questions or concerns in real time during the con, people excited to help you will be identified during announcements, as well as be identified as organizers on their badges.


We understand that going to a gaming convention can feel risky. There has been a lot of toxic behavior, often reinforced by the games that are played. With a con like ours, that can feel magnified, as you commit to a lot of hours with the same table of people. We have developed a safety tool to help folks get on the same page before embarking on their long-format story together, and supplemented it with a great tool available in Monte Cooks’ free pdf, Consent in Gaming. You can find these resources below.